Townie Awards
Townie Awards are for everyday heroes in Ramona. Nominate someone who has gone above and beyond, such as volunteering, coordinating special events, a teacher that went the extra mile for a student, a local business or person who helped someone in their time of need, a dedicated sports coach, an outstanding student at your school, a person that shows up when asked to help! The person must live in Ramona to qualify. No act of kindness is too big or too small for a nomination. All ages are welcome to nominate and be nominated! Up to two recipients will be chosen each month.
Recipients will receive a Certificate of Appreciation, vouchers for free items at local food establishments, and other commerable, local items as a token of appreciation for their commitment to making Ramona a great community.
Annually, there will be an in-person celebration that all recipients will be invited to attend, to thank them for their service and celebrate their outstanding contributions to our community.
Townie Award Vouchers Redeemable At
Thank You To Our Community Sponsors
Get Involved
If you would like to get involved with any of the programs provided by Generations Ramona, please email Marcie.